5 Reasons Why A Coworking Space Is Right For Your Personal Training Business
Have the last few months made you reappraise your Personal Training business? Then why not also think about how and where you run your business from. Coworking spaces can provide a number of extra benefits to help you grow your business.

Even before our city centres started to mirror the opening scenes of '28 Days Later' being a freelance Personal Trainer could be a lonely road to travel. Just you, your laptop and your hard-earned client list vs the world! Not to mention the unsociably early starts, relationship-breaking hours and constant travel.
But after weeks of just-about-alright Zoom sessions, it's starting to feel even lonelier! The itch to get back out into the world and properly reconnect with Clients is getting unbearable. But the world we knew in March has gone - for now at least - meaning that many of us are unsure about what getting back into the world will look like. This trepdation is entirely natural but it also provides the perfect motivation to reappraise where and how you work. So before you dive back into your old routines why not look at what a coworking could do for your business?
Whilst WeWork is the daddy of coworking there are now hundreds of smaller local providers so your best bet is a quick google search to see what's on offer near you. Most of them offer flexible access to communal working areas and the ability to reserve meetings rooms. But they're more than just an office space, they're mini ecosystems of smart, hungry and driven people making amazing things happen. Creating the perfect environment for you to:
1. Build your network
Connect with other people on the same journey as you who are creating businesses in lots of different sectors. This can create rich potential for new collaboration as you'll meet founders with new skill sets, passions and capabilities.
2. Find new clients
It goes without saying that other members are also prime prospects for your business! Users of coworkers tend to be in their twenties and thirties, lifestyle driven and performance focused. Rich picking for a Personal Trainer!
3. Super charge your productivity
It's the most prosaic benefit but probably the most underrated and that's that you'll be in a space designed for working! Not your living room or a coffee shop with an asmatic wi-fi connection. Meaning you can get your head down and do that essential business admin faster and smarter.
4. Take online to the next level
Most coworking spaces provide access to meeting rooms at a nominal extra fee to your core membership. Giving you a professional environment with great wi-fi to deliver online training sessions from. No more whining coffee machines in the back ground or akward interruptions from kids, pets or partners.
5. Get inspired
Seeing other people building their businesses is as liberating as it is energising. It makes you realise that those struggles you're going through on winning new clients, building your online business are aren't just your problem! You can also learn and see how others do it and steal some of that business rocket fuel for your enterprise.
But it doesn't stop there! Early 2021 will see a new coworking concept - Until - just for health and wellbeing professionals launch in London. Until will not only offer a traditional coworking space - i.e. space to do your emails and run your business - but also a fully equipped personal trainer gym, specialist treatment rooms and fully kitted out coaching and therapy rooms.
So the new-normal might not be that normal after all!