We help private doctors, consultants, nurses, dentists and more grow faster and smarter by giving them flexible access to London’s best facilities, powerful growth services and a supportive community.



Become a member

Our base monthly membership gives you access to our exclusive facilities, growth services and supportive community.

Pay as you go credits

Members purchase credit packs with up to 3 month expiry. The larger the pack, the better the value per hour.

Flexible access

From treatment rooms to gym space, we have facilities in all shapes and sizes available to book by the hour using credits.


premium dental surgeries

Our dental surgeries have been designed to be the perfect mix of luxury and cutting-edge functionality, creating a brilliant experience for both you and your patients.


luxurious medical consulting rooms

Our design-led consulting rooms have been designed to provide a premium experience for leading consultants and their patients.


Where wellness meets healthcare

Supportive community

Work alongside 300+ leading wellness and healthcare practitioners across 37+ disciples, providing unique cross referral opportunities and allowing you to deliver a superior patient experience.

London’s top training facility

Your wellbeing matters to us so your membership will allow you usage of our elite personal training gym during quiet periods (subject to request).

Member clubhouse

An elegantly designed space where you can connect with other members, do online sessions or just get your head down and run your business.

Premium service

Our team will ensure that both you and your patients receive attentive and memorable service at all times.

Elegant changing rooms

Lovingly designed to give your clients an uplifting and pleasurable experience before and after every session.

Concierge and luxurious waiting area

Ensuring your patients receive a premium experience that fits your brand and service expectations.

ready to grow YOUR business?